Will you marry me? Romantic ways of popping that question.

There’s a lot to be said for a memorable proposal. The day the couple agrees to spend the rest of their mortal lives together, is one that is celebrated all through their lives. In order to make the actual moment as romantic as possible, make sure that you play to the sensibilities of your partner. While in today’s day and age the girl is equally likely to propose, traditionally it has been the boy’s bastion. So in this article I’m going to stick with tradition and give ideas that the boy can use to propose to his sweetheart.

The Grand Gesture

One way to make the proposal unforgettable is to tie it up with a grand gesture. Take your date out for a play, a movie, a game or some such public event where there will be a huge crowd around you. Then have your proposal displayed in public. You could ask the actors in the play to back you up as you pop the question. Or use a video advertisement on the screen during the interval of the movie. The game score board can be used to spell out “Marry Me”. This is great for an extrovert, but if your date is the kind of person who prefers to keep their business private, it could be very embarrassing for them to be at the center of all this attention.

The Quiet Romance

For the introvert who prefers to keep things low key, it’s better to work out a quiet romantic gesture while proposing. Yes the ring at the bottom of the wine glass is a good idea here. If your date doesn’t drink wine, try presenting her with a box of chocolates that has the middle chocolate replaced with the engagement ring. A trail of flower petals leading from the front door through the house to a table on which the ring sits in an open box would also work. Or you may just keep it simple and traditional by getting the family together and popping the question to her before them all.

Blending Nostalgia with the Future

Put together a home movie of photographs and videos from your time together. Make popcorn and watch it on your TV screen together. Discuss the fun stuff, laugh through the upsets and enjoy the journey you have shared so far. Then when the movie ends, ask if your partner would like to continue on this journey for the rest of your lives. Have a second clip of your photos and videos of what the future may hold. Marriage, children, building a home together. It’s bound to be a great proposal.

Use the Holiday Cheer

The holiday season is a time of spreading joy and happiness. Adding a proposal to the mix is not a bad idea. If it’s Christmas, you can hang the ring box on the tree as an ornament. Or leave it under the tree like a gift. At Easter you could gift your partner with a hollow chocolate egg containing the ring within it. Maybe even make the treasure hunt map to find the egg. At Diwali you could have the house lights read out the words of the proposal on a single wall. Have her face the wall and then hit the lights. Take any holiday that your partner and you celebrate together and make it memorable by proposing on that day.

The Puzzle

If your partner is the intellectual type, create a puzzle for them to solve. Have them crack a code and then solve the proposal on paper. Lead them around a scavenger hunt with clues to the next location, till they eventually come to one where you are waiting on bended knee with the ring in your hand. Write it down in invisible ink and give them a black light to read the message. Create a jigsaw that shows you proposing with a ring. There are a number of puzzles that can be solved to end in a marriage proposal.

The Singing Minstrel

Music is as romantic as it gets. Now imagine a live musician singing out a proposal to the love of your life. If you have a song as a couple, use that to follow up with the proposal. If you are especially poetic, write out your own lyrics for the song. You could do it in a restaurant as you finish dinner and wait for dessert. Or have the singing minstrel approach you while you take a walk in the park. Think of a special place that means something to the two of you. Have your partner meet you there and then have the proposal sung out to her.

Some Other Points to Consider

Make sure you have the ring ready when she says yes. Nothing says immature and not serious like not actually having the ring ready.

Practice the words that you are going to say. Get them right in the mirror before you say them to your partner.

Keep the ring in it’s box. As far as possible try to avoid putting the ring on your partner’s finger when it’s covered with chocolate, sticky from being stuck in a sundae, or wet from being at the bottom of a drink.

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